Joyfully, I have been spending too much time on Cryptovoxels (CV). The Metaverse is an interesting place and though I am bouncing around on different platforms, I seem to gravitate back to CV. I am teaching myself how to use Magica Voxels and learning to build all sorts of items that are offered for sale in my Home Goods Stores. Believe it or not I am selling items - so far plants and pottery are the most popular. The only think that continues to be frustrating is that it is all about cubes - to make something look round is still challenging, but I keep trying!
As I continue to explore, I have taken on many new roles, including architect, potter, weaver, builder, coffee roaster, barista, nightclub singer, gallerist, collector, educator, couch potato, sun bather and ...
Are you new to CV ? A few tips:
- though you can jump in on mobile, it is more enjoyable on a desktop with a large monitor.
- It takes a minute to get used to moving around but once you get the hang of it - you will want to go exploring.
- Try not to fall in the water, very difficult to get out - I usually have to go back to the link and start again (though I keep trying to fly out - we will see if it ever works).
- collectibles are completed adjustable and moveable so you can resize items to fit your needs.
- a womp is a snapshot of a certain moment at a certain place. These can be found on the CV homepage and when you click on them it will take you there. Womps are also used as the image on the teleporters that are spheres and clicking on them will also teleport you to that location.
I am so grateful that I have met a land baron that has been graciously lending me his land to build on. Parcels are relatively expensive - not nearly as pricy as the existing housing market however!
Here are my latest builds:
The Art Tower - fly mode in here to see all of the work
The Collective - look on the outside walls too for some amazing photography
The Home Goods Store, Rotating Gallery Shows - 3 floors here, February art show is Peter Strid
The Commons; The Anvil, Gallery, News stand, The Red Room - Click the links on the stone walls to teleport, you can also walk down to the basement for the coffee shop
On Flora: Restaurant/Bar/Open Kitchen, Education Classroom, Lounge - lots to see here - stairs in the back of the open kitchen to the Lounge area or fly to the top and work your way down
Pottery Studio, Shop, AirBnB, Scarcity Home Office, Rooftop BBQ + Pool - Pottery studio is in the basement, shop in the basement and on the first floor, living quarters up a level and the fun stuff is on the roof.
Coming Soon - something on the new island of Fauna.
Til next time!!!